Common diseases in each type of species :

The body temperature of a healthy dog is between 37.5°C and 38.5°C. A feverish dog is almost always suffering from a bacterial infection (cold, flu).
A feverish dog instinctively looks for a cold place and already after about half an hour the temperature can decrease by 0.5° C.


Diarrhea and vomiting are symptoms that can occur in severe infectious diseases such as distemper, parvovirosis or poisoning.


Vomiting, can be a symptom that occurs in severe infectious diseases such as distemper, parvovirosis, or poisoning.

Ear Infection

You can recognize an ear infection in dogs if the animal holds its head at an angle and shakes it repeatedly.


Tumors can often be discovered quickly during petting, although it is not always necessarily cancer. There are also fatty tumors or other growths that are tumor-like.


You'll notice symptoms such as: watery eyes ,coughing and sneezing frequently, they seem to have a stuffy nose and phlegm.


If you notice that they seem bleary, very watery, and have red and swollen eyelids, then your cat is showing symptoms of conjunctivitis.


You will know they have cataracts if you notice that your pet is disoriented, scratches their eyes a lot or doesn't react to light.


If you notice that your cat has a brown discharge from the ears take them immediately to the vet.


Diabetes in cats is a complex disease caused by either a lack of the hormone insulin or an inadequate response to insulin.
When a cat does not produce insulin or cannot utilize it normally, her blood sugar levels elevate.


The most common symptoms to look for in your rabbits are: runny nose, skin infections, or a head tilt.


Encephalitozoonosis is caused by a parasite, and can cause neurological problems in rabbits. The most common symptoms are: head tilt, rolling, and trouble walking.


Some common symptoms of flystrike are: refusal to eat or drink, lethargy, and a light smell coming from the hutch.
You may also be able to see the maggots on the skin if you comb through the fur.

Bordetella bronchiseptica

Bordetella bronchiseptica can sometimes be mistaken for snuffles, as they are very similar conditions, with the main difference being the type of bacteria present.


Staphylococcosis is caused by staphylococcal bacteria, and can range from mild to severe cases in rabbits. Staphylococcosis can cause infertility, mastitis, and abscesses in rabbits.

Wooden Tongue

Its symptoms include a painful and swollen tongue, inability to eat or drink, tongue ulcers and drooling.


It seeps into the digestive tract causing loss of appetite, lameness, fever, rapid breathing and lethargy.


Symptoms include redness, inflammation and extreme weeping.

Foot Rot

The first symptom is lameness, as the cow will put little weight on the affected foot. A slight fever, swollen foot and pain are additional symptoms.

Bovine Respiratory Disease

The common signs are pneumonia, respiratory distress, coughing, weight loss, and death.


Symptoms are pyrexia/high fever ,purulent nasal discharge, discharge from the eyes, dry hacking cough particularly notable, diarrhea may be an associated symptom.


Excitement, itching, abscesses on skin are few symptoms.


Some common symptoms include listlessness, diarrhoea, blood-tinged stools, distended abdomen, bottle jaw, etc.


It can be understood by symptoms like anorexia, pallor of the mucosae, muscular weakness and depression.

Mycoplasmal Infection

This bacterial infection causes sudden and severe respiratory disease—as well as long-lasting respiratory and other problems—in mice.
The signs include sneezing, sniffling, rough hair coat, lethargy, labored breathing, and weight loss.

Scaly Skin Disease

This bacterial infection causes no signs in most mice, but can cause scaly skin in hairless (nude) mice. Infected mice have yellow-white flakes on the skin and lose weight.


Pregnant females and infants are at higher risk of infection. Signs of infection include diarrhea, dehydration, loss of appetite, weight loss, rough hair coat, depression, and sudden death.

Atrial Thrombosis

Atrial thrombosis is a heart disease that can occur in mice. Affected mice have an abnormally fast heart rate, bluish gums, and difficulty breathing.

Mammary Tumors

They can develop anywhere under the skin because mice have widely distributed mammary (breast) tissues.

Guinea Pigs
Respiratory Infection and Pneumonia

Signs of a respiratory infection include sneezing, coughing, wheezing, inflamed eye lining, lethargy, loss of appetite, discharge from the nose or eyes, respiratory distress, and fever.


Aside from actually witnessing your guinea pig passing diarrhea, you should look out for diarrhea in their cage, stained fur on their back end, lack of appetite, lethargy, and weight loss.


Signs of scurvy in guinea pigs include a stiff gait, lameness, mouth pain, abnormal bleeding or bruising, lethargy, weight loss, and diarrhea.


Bumblefoot can cause limping, lameness, open sores, bleeding in the cage, and any other sign of pain.


The main sign to look for with tumors in guinea pigs is any kind of abnormal growth on their bodies. If anything looks strange, just have your vet take a look.


It is caused by the Streptococcus Equi, a Gram-positive encapsulated bacterium.
The most common signs of strangles are:Fever up to 106 Fahrenheit, Difficulty in swallowing, Coughing, Pneumonia and abscess developing in the internal organs.


The disease is transmitted by the ingestion of contaminated food and water through discharge from the respiratory tract.
Symptoms include Deep ulcers and nodules inside the nasal passages, Sticky yellow discharge, Bloody discharge, Watery eyes.

Equine Tetanus

Equine tetanus is the disease condition originates from the toxin that produced by an anaerobic bacteria Clostridium tetani.
The symptoms are stiffness, involving the masseter muscles and muscle of the neck.

Equine Rabies

The clinical symptoms exhibit the progressive paralysis of all muscles, excessive salivation, change in temperament and rise in body temperature, restlessness, hyperexcitation, loss of appetite, depression.

Equine Influenza

Influenza in horses is an acute respiratory disease. The disease is manifested by elevated body temperature, coughing and a mucopurulent nasal discharge.

Anchor Worms

Common signs that you would see are red and inflamed scales. Their bodies will look like whitish green thread stuck to your fish.

Bacterial Infections

These commonly happen after your fish has injured a part of its body.
Most common symptoms are red spot on body, Ulcers on gills, Swollen abdomen.


If your fish is constipated you may notice a bloated abdomen. Constipation can cause them to develop swim bladder disease so you will see signs of buoyancy issues.

CO2 Poisoning

If your fish`s tank has high levels of CO2 you will notice that your fish is breathing more rapidly and may be gasping for air.
You also may notice that these fish are spending more time near the surface of the tank.


Flukes are external parasites that your fish can get. Flukes will attach themselves to your fish`s gills and skin. This can damage these areas leading to a secondary bacterial infection.