Essential equipment:

Your puppy needs a comfortable bed, so be sure to buy one that's big enough for it to grow into and stretch out in.
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You will need separate (non-slip) bowls for food and water. These should be raised up off the floor for tall dogs. Make sure fresh water is always available for your puppy.
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Puppy crates, play pens and child gates

Some dogs love having their own 'four-poster beds'. Many dog owners find these useful for containing their puppy and keeping them safe and out of trouble when they are alone, rather like putting a baby in a cot or play pen.
When ordering a crate for your puppy, buy one big enough so that it can stretch out and stand up in when they are fully grown. Make sure that the mesh is not too big, as puppies may get their mouths caught. Put some bedding inside and tie some toys in the far end of the crate so the puppy has to go in there to play with them. Gently place your puppy in there whenever they fall asleep.
You can gradually increase the time the puppy stays in the crate, and initially this should be while you are still in the room with them.
Make sure your puppy has recently emptied their bladder and bowels before they settle in their crate and do not leave your puppy in the crate for more than a couple of hours during the daytime.
Never use the crate as a sin-bin or you will teach your puppy to resent it. Always remove the puppy's collar when in the crate in case it gets caught up on it.
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Some short-coated or recently clipped dogs can really feel the cold, so they may benefit from wearing a fitted jumper or coat while out walking. Some long-haired dogs may benefit from protective clothing to keep them clean and dry in winter weather. Make sure it fits properly and is well-tolerated by your puppy. Never make your puppy wear clothes indoors.
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Choose a comfortable collar that is suitable for the breed, size and age of your puppy. Puppies grow rapidly and collars should be checked almost daily for condition and fit. These should not be so loose that they can slip over your puppy's head nor so tight that you cannot slip two fingers underneath.
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Car harness, travelling crate or dog guard

A dog should travel either behind a dog guard, secured with a car-seat harness or, ideally, in a crate or fixed car cage. A crate or cage gives a dog their own space and ensures both safety and comfort.
Help your puppy get accustomed to car travel by taking them out on short trips at first, ideally when they're tired enough to fall asleep. If the puppy is car sick, try fixing the crate on the back seat, as the car sways far more at the back which can cause travel sickness.
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Identity tag

You are required by law (under The Control of Dogs Order 1992) to inscribe the name and address of the owner on your dog's collar tag. You must comply with this, even if it is microchipped, and you can be fined up to £5,000 if you do not. You may also want to put your telephone numbers on the tag, but you do not need to put your dog's name on it.
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Choose a leash that is suitable for the size and breed of your puppy - not too long, too short or too heavy. A good rope lead is both strong and comfortable on your hands. Chain leads can be painful to hold onto, but may be useful if you have a puppy that likes to chew or carry their lead in their mouth. Nylon leads are strong, but can hurt your hands. Whichever type you choose, make sure you attach it to the 'D ring' of the collar and not onto the split ring that attaches the identity tag to the collar, as this is not strong enough to take the weight of your dog.
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It is very important that your puppy has a range of appropriate and interesting toys to play with, otherwise they might chew on your things instead of their own. Chew toys also provide mental stimulation, help to keep your dog's teeth clean and allow them to exercise their jaws. Select toys for your puppy carefully - some may be too small and might choke your puppy, while others may splinter.
Do not let your puppy play with sticks, golf or squash balls. All these things can easily get stuck in the throat and cause damage or even death.
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Anti-pulling aids

There are lots of devices (mostly harnesses and head collars) that claim to help stop dogs from pulling on the leash. Some of these rub, squeeze or pinch the dog, and tend not to be tolerated well, so shop around and make sure that your puppy is comfortable wearing it. You should allow your puppy enough time to become accustomed to any aid you ultimately choose. However, if you ensure correct training from the start, your puppy should not pull on the lead.
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Poo bags

You are required by law (under the Clean Neighbourhoods & Environment Act 2005) to clear up after your dog in public areas and dispose of the bag in an appropriate bin. You will need a supply of poo bags, sandwich bags or nappy sacks to take with you whenever you are out with your puppy.
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Grooming equipment

Short-coated dogs need to be groomed regularly, especially when they are moulting as their short hairs get can get stuck on everything! Use a rubber-toothed brush or a short-bristled brush, which massages the skin and works out the loose hair.
Breeds with medium to long coats or thick undercoats need gentle de-tangling every day to keep them knot free. The main problem areas that need the most attention tend to be behind the ears, between the toes, under the feet, in the armpits, the backs of the legs and around the tail. Some dogs will need to have their beards or hair around their eyes cleaned regularly.
If you intend to exhibit your puppy in the show ring, they may need to have their coat trimmed into a special shape, or need hand-stripping or clipping. Your breeder, groomer, ringcraft class or breed club can advise you on the best way to achieve this.
Always brush your puppy slowly and gently. Gradually introduce the concept of grooming in very short sessions. If your puppy tries to bite the brush, put some taste deterrent on the brush so they learn not to bother.
Some dogs will need to have their nails trimmed if they get too long. If your dog has dew-claws (like little thumbs on the inside of its 'wrists') they should be checked frequently as these do not get worn down naturally and can grow in a circle and cut into the flesh. You can learn to trim the nails yourself or have a vet or groomer do it for you.
In particular, dogs with white or sparse coats can be susceptible to sunburn, so use a high-factor sun cream on their ears and other exposed areas in hot sunny weather.
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Dog shampoo

Dogs only need to be bathed every few months, unless they have been swimming or have rolled in something smelly. Use a dog shampoo and put a non-slip mat down if using the bath. Towel-drying your puppy is important and will get them used to being dried when they come home wet from a walk.
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Dog toothpaste and toothbrush

Gum disease is far too common in middle-aged dogs and can lead to all sorts of health problems, so it pays to brush your puppy's teeth. Use special canine toothpaste, which comes in tasty flavours and does not foam (unlike human toothpaste) with a special rubber thimble for dogs' teeth.
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Food and Water Bowls

Although your new cat can be fed on any ceramic or stainless steel bowls you have in your kitchen, you may feel better with providing her with her very own dishes. It is not recommended to use plastic dishes for cats, as some cats develop a chin rash from plastic; also, softer plastic scratches, which provides a harbor from bacteria. There are a number of non-tip stainless steel bowls available for pets. If you prefer decorated ceramic dishes, make sure the glaze is lead-free.
Automatic food and water servers are especially nice if the humans will be gone for long periods during the day, e.g., to a job or school. Most cats love the pure, fresh taste of running water, and automatic water dispensers ensure a constant supply of clean water.
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All cats love to play, and your bonding time will begin by playing with Kitty and her toys. The "fishing pole, dangling lure" kind of toy is a big favorite for interactive play. Just make sure it is sturdy enough that small kittens won`t tear off feathers, etc. from the dangling part. Catnip mice are a perennial favorite. Kitty houses and climbing posts can run the gamut from simple cardboard creations to custom built "cat furniture" combinations running several hundred dollars.
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Grooming Tools

Grooming time is a fine time for bonding with your cat or new kitten. Look for a fine-toothed comb and a rubber-backed pin brush. A nail clipper designed for cats is a plus. If you start clipping your kitten`s nails early, it will make the task much easier when she is grown.
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Cat Carrier

This is a must. Don`t ever try to transport a cat without one. A simple cardboard carrier (available from your vet) is fine for bringing a new cat or kitten home, but you`ll need to replace this eventually with a solid-bottomed fiberglass or tough plastic carrier with secure latch and a screened opening the cat can look through. A heavy-duty cloth airline-approved carrier is a good alternative if travel is in your future.
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Scratching Post

Your cat is going to scratch, whether you approve or not. Start your relationship off right by investing in a scratching post. It can be as simple or fancy as you like; you can even assemble one yourself if you`re handy with tools. Some commercially-made scratching posts have catnip scent applied to attract your kitty. If your budget is limited, start with a cardboard scratcher, such as the Cosmic Alpine Scratcher.
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Litter Box and Litter

Choosing the best litter box for your pet is an absolute must. Look for a sizable box with high sides for grown cats, as they tend to throw the litter around quite a bit. These can also be as simple or as extravagant as your pocketbook allows but start with a basic plastic litter box for now placed correctly for your feline.
Kittens will need a box that`s low enough for them to enter easily. There are various kinds of litter, and the plant-based kind seems to be the safest. Clumping clay litter contains an ingredient that can harm cats if ingested, and all clay litters tend to stir up dust, which is not healthy to breathe, either for you or your cat.
Consider a mat under the box to catch the stray litter. You can buy mats for that purpose at a pet store, or buy a few inexpensive carpet or linoleum samples that can just be tossed and replaced when they get too grungy.
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Nail clippers

There are a variety of clippers to choose from but most fall into the “guillotine” safety tool bucket, where the nail is inserted into a small opening and a slight squeeze cuts the tip. Cat claw scissors are also available, and they generally have blunted ends to prevent cutting accidents for both pet and owner.
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Brushes And Combs

There are dozens of brush types to choose from. Some are designed to groom specific types of cats or to accomplish specific goals. The bristles on a cat brush can be hard, soft, wire or pin type. A slicker brush is a flat rectangular platform covered with slender steel bristles. It can be used on all cat types and most cats love it. Cats groomed in the same place every day with this tool learn to seek for it and they practically beg to be brushed.
Combs are effective too. They are either fine-toothed (sometimes known as a flea comb) or wide tooth. It may be necessary to work slowly with a comb and sprinkle talcum powder to gently work hair mats out of a long-haired cat`s coat.
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Pet wipes and sprays

These are moist disposable towels and sprays that can be used for a quick touch up or in place of a full bath. They help reduce dander and some contain Aloe Vera and/or Vitamin E to keep you cat`s coat soft and shiny. They are always non-toxic and safe for kitty.
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A Bed

Since this is your first cat, he or she may likely sleep on your own bed, however, it`s still a good idea to provide kitty with her own special, cozy place for napping. The bed should be comfortable, easily washable and spacious enough for an adult cat to curl up comfortably, but not so vast that she`ll feel exposed and vulnerable.
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Make a Vet Appointment

This is not exactly an item for a shopping list, but unless your cat comes with papers showing a recent veterinary visit, proof of vaccinations, and negative test results for various diseases and medical conditions, your first stop before even bringing her home, should be at your local veterinary clinic. So make the appointment now, while you`re thinking about it.

Hutch or Other Enclosure

An indoor hutch or other suitable enclosure is where your rabbit will spend most of their time sleeping, eating, and using the bathroom. Investing in a home that is large enough for your rabbit to grow into and contains spaces for all the necessary accompaniments, such as this one from Aivituvin.
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Litter Box and Litter

While there are fancy litter boxes of all shapes and sizes available for your rabbit`s bathroom needs, we most prefer those designed to fit in corners that have high backs. Avoid any type of scented litter, as well as anything with a chemical clumping or caking agent. Instead, go for Yesterday`s News recycled paper pellets to make sure that your rabbit won`t be harmed by your choice of litter.
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Water Bottle

Hanging water bottles make it easy to keep your rabbit well hydrated even in the hottest of the summer months. Always go for a no-drip model so your rabbit won`t end up laying in puddles in its home.
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Hay Feeder and Hay

Rabbits are especially keen on being able to eat hay while they poop. This is understandable since wild rabbits will mark their territory in a burrow with their droppings. To make sure that your rabbit is eating plenty of fresh, nutritious timothy hay, install a hay feeder within mouth`s reach of their litter box.
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Food Bowls and Kibble

Nutrient-dense kibble is an essential addition to your rabbit`s diet, providing them with a fine balance of protein, fiber, and carbohydrates; Oxbow is the leading name in rabbit kibble. Combine this with a heavy-bottomed bowl, as rabbits are very fond of spreading their food everywhere if given the chance.
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Chew Toys

It may be tempting to get aggravated with your new pet for running their mouth over your baseboards, they`re doing it so they won`t end up with serious dental problems. Give them something to chew on like this yucca chew toy, and you`ll help them stay content and healthy.
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Nail Clippers

You`ll periodically need to trim your rabbit`s nails to keep them healthy, quiet, and not scratching up your floors. Zen Clipper offers a special blade design that`s perfect for inexperienced owners which helps to prevent any over-clipping mishaps. Plus, they are available in a variety of sizes.
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Bunny-specific Brush

Rabbits` unique fur requires a gentler brush than what you might find on a department store shelf. It`s recommended to groom your rabbit at least once per week, and often closer to daily during shedding season. For this purpose, the undercoat deshedding tool is especially helpful.
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Pet Carrier and Towels

Essential for any trips to the vet, a fairly large pet carrier will help your rabbit to feel less confined and more comfortable. Lay down towels in the bottom of the carrier, and consider a top-loading model.
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Baby Gates

Especially while you`re litter training your new rabbit, you`ll need to be able to block off certain areas of your home. A simple baby gate tall enough to keep your rabbit from jumping over.
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Cord Protectors

With their penchant for chewing through roots, many rabbits are just as happy to mistake a stray electrical cord for a piece of tree. To prevent this most unfortunate turn of events, use a braided cable cover on all your low-lying electrical cords.
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Feeding Equipment

Keeping cows well fed makes sure that they are healthy and have good body structure. A feed mixer is essential to distribute the various components of your animal`s daily fare. It is especially useful when mixing in additional supplements or vitamins and medicine for weak or underdeveloped calves. Feed fences are also crucial in the proper cleaning and organised feeding of livestock. Feed fences consist of the traditional classic fence and the self-locking kind.
Some examples of feeding equipment are:
• Feed Bunks - Bunks must be economic and practical, but of good quality. Their capacity and length should meet the feeding requirements of the livestock.
• Portable Hay Feeders ` Hay feeders allow cattle to feed comfortably by keeping their heads inside the feeder. This reduces waste since the animals don`t have to stand and chew.
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Barn Ventilation

It is important to control the atmosphere in the barn to ensure ideal milk production. A working barn ventilation system gives the cattle comfort, translating to higher yield. It is cost-effective and saves time and money in the long run. A quality ventilation system can be used for future batches of cattle, making this investment worthwhile.
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Manure Spreader

A manure spreader, also known as a manure agitator, lets you handle cow manure efficiently and almost effortlessly. There are several types of manure agitators, including the Articulated PTO agitator, Electric agitator on a pontoon, Electromix agitator and the Lagoon Agitator. Get the best ones to ensure a clean place.
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Corral System

The corral system pertains to the type of contraption used for livestock handling. With a good corral design, you can manage the animals efficiently without needing additional hands for a smooth operation. It helps you save on time and resources, as well.
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Free Stall Alley Cleaner System

There are several types of manure cleaner equipment for every type of barn. These include the free stall alley cleaner with chain, free stall alley cleaner with cable, combiscrapper, cross cutter cleaner system, hydraulic free stall alley system and scrapper deep groove system. Each of these systems can make your barn clean and smell free for that added boost in your livestock production.

Transport Handling Equipment

Livestock handling equipment is a crucial part of livestock production. It takes special skills to handle cattle, especially when bringing them on a long haul trip. You need to have a lot of patience and skill and must be sensitive to the needs of the animals. You must be able to observe how they react to the weather, humidity, temperature and wind conditions, for these may affect their mood and temperament. Have the equipment to keep them secure and calm to ensure a trouble-free ride for you and your cattle.

Feeding Equipment

Keeping cows well fed makes sure that they are healthy and have good body structure. A feed mixer is essential to distribute the various components of your animal`s daily fare. It is especially useful when mixing in additional supplements or vitamins and medicine for weak or underdeveloped calves. Feed fences are also crucial in the proper cleaning and organised feeding of livestock. Feed fences consist of the traditional classic fence and the self-locking kind.
Some examples of feeding equipment are:
• Feed Bunks - Bunks must be economic and practical, but of good quality. Their capacity and length should meet the feeding requirements of the livestock.
• Portable Hay Feeders - Hay feeders allow cattle to feed comfortably by keeping their heads inside the feeder. This reduces waste since the animals don`t have to stand and chew.
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Barn Ventilation

It is important to control the atmosphere in the barn to ensure ideal milk production. A working barn ventilation system gives the cattle comfort, translating to higher yield. It is cost-effective and saves time and money in the long run. A quality ventilation system can be used for future batches of cattle, making this investment worthwhile.
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Manure Spreader

A manure spreader, also known as a manure agitator, lets you handle cow manure efficiently and almost effortlessly. There are several types of manure agitators, including the Articulated PTO agitator, Electric agitator on a pontoon, Electromix agitator and the Lagoon Agitator. Get the best ones to ensure a clean place.
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Corral System

The corral system pertains to the type of contraption used for livestock handling. With a good corral design, you can manage the animals efficiently without needing additional hands for a smooth operation. It helps you save on time and resources, as well.
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Free Stall Alley Cleaner System

There are several types of manure cleaner equipment for every type of barn. These include the free stall alley cleaner with chain, free stall alley cleaner with cable, combiscrapper, cross cutter cleaner system, hydraulic free stall alley system and scrapper deep groove system. Each of these systems can make your barn clean and smell free for that added boost in your livestock production.

Transport Handling Equipment

Livestock handling equipment is a crucial part of livestock production. It takes special skills to handle cattle, especially when bringing them on a long haul trip. You need to have a lot of patience and skill and must be sensitive to the needs of the animals. You must be able to observe how they react to the weather, humidity, temperature and wind conditions, for these may affect their mood and temperament. Have the equipment to keep them secure and calm to ensure a trouble-free ride for you and your cattle.

Forage Pot

Hide yummy treats or a few pellets in pot to encourage your rat to explore and play with something slightly out of their reach.

Celebration Cake

You don`t need to wait for a special occasion to show your pet that you love them. This cute cake says it all and more.
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Woven Hideout

Providing plenty of opportunities for mini-retreats will ensure that your rat gets the rest that they need.
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Rat Accessory Pack

Rat Accessory consist of four different rat-centric care items, including the Climbing Rope, a chew-proof glass water bottle, no tip bowl, and Corner Fleece Hideout.
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Climbing Rope

Providing alternative paths for your rat to get from one area of their habitat to another is a fantastic way to support their exploring instinct and will provide hours of play for your pet.
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Garden Forage Puzzle

This toy is as much fun for you to prep as it is for your little one to play with.

Wobby Ring Stack

Whether they`re trying to knock over the stack or take the rings off, this will provide hours of entertainment for your little one.

Honeycomb Hammock

This fleece hammock easily and securely attaches to your habitat to provide your rat a peaceful place to rest and hang out.
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Hanging Mulberry Chew

The Hanging Mulberry Chew is a durable, high-quality chew that features mulberry sticks, sisal, and gugertree wood.
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Guinea Pigs

Your guinea pig needs a decent cage of a minimum of 7.5 square feet, but more space will be better. Ten square feet is ideal for one or two guinea pigs.
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It is spread across the floor of the cage, usually to a depth of between 1.5 and 2 inches. This will need refreshing or changing twice a week.
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A House

You can use cardboard boxes, as long as they are clean and non-toxic, or buy a specially created hide house from a pet shop. Ensure that the house has enough room for your little one and that it is comfortable and easy to clean.
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Water Bowl or Bottle

You must provide your guinea pig with regular access to clean and safe drinking water.
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Food Bowl

A heavy ceramic bowl is better because it will be impossible to tip over, even if your guinea pig stands on the edge.
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Hay Rack

It helps trim their teeth and prevent injuries and discomfort from having overgrown teeth.
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Nail Trimmer

Guinea pigs need regular nail trimming. Although it differs from one guinea pig to the next, you should expect to have to do this approximately every month.
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Chew Toys

As an important part of good guinea pig care, provide chew toys specifically for the species. Poor-quality toys and wooden toys for other animals may splinter or shatter and cause injury.
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Long-haired guinea pigs will need brushing every week or two. This helps remove dead hair and keeps your guinea comfortable.
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Feeding Equipment

• Feed pan for individual feeding
• Feed container (preferably metal or plastic with secure lid to prevent rodents) to hold feed
• Water trough or large buckets
• Water heater or heated buckets if you live in an area that experiences freezing temperatures.

Barn and Pasture Maintenance

• Pitchfork
• Stable broom
• Wheelbarrow
• Manure Fork
• Fire extinguisher
• Spare lightbulbs
• Extension cord
• Secure, dry place to store hay/feed/tack/supplies

Handling and Grooming

• Halter
• Lead ropes
• Hoof pick
• Curry comb
• Body brush
• Mane comb
• Cloth (an old washcloth will do)
• Fly repellent
• Blankets for cold weather if needed
• Sweat sheet if needed


• Saddle with girth or cinch
• A saddle pad or blanket
• Bridle and bit
• Helmet
• Stirrups and stirrup leathers
• Optional: lunge line
• Optional: tendon boots, bell boots, any other leg support or protection the horse may need
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• Harness with bridle
• Safe, sturdy vehicle
• Driving whip
• Helmet
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• Horse Carrot Feed Toy
• Manna Pro Likit Boredom Breaker
• Rubber Chicken Squeaky Horse Toy
• Horsemen`s 10″ Jolly Ball Horse Toy
• Horse Treat Ball Hay Feeder
• Shires Carrot Ball For Horses
• Traffic Cone
• Shires Ball Feeder Toy for Horses
• H&H Nutritional Lick Treat for Horses
• Generic Goober Ball Toy for Horses

Emergency Care

• Self Sticking Bandages
• Mercury / Digital Thermometer
• Cutters
• Stable Wraps
• Gamgee Cloth
• Roll of Cotton Gauze Bandage
• Zinc Oxide Cream
• Salt
• Antiseptic Cream


Almost anyone can find a place for a 20-gallon tank. Glass aquariums are preferred by many, however, acrylic tanks weigh less and because they don't break, are preferable for use with children in the household.
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Aquariums are heavy, figure 10 pounds per gallon of water capacity, so plan accordingly. Be sure to use a real aquarium stand designed to hold the weight of an aquarium.
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Lid or Hood

The lid portion covers the tank and serves to prevent fish from jumping out of the tank. It also reduces evaporation, and protects the light from getting wet. Glass lids are easier to clean, provide a tighter cover, and allow more outside light to enter the aquarium.
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Light options include incandescent, halogen, fluorescent, mercury vapor, metal halide and Light Emitting Diode (LED) bulbs. The LED lights are becoming more commonly available and are the best choice as they use little electricity compared to other bulbs, so are inexpensive to run and don't heat the water.
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Filtration System

The filtration system is a critical piece of equipment. It keeps the water quality clean to keep the fish healthy, so get the best filter you can afford. The size of the filter must be appropriate for the size of the aquarium. Choose a filter with a flow rate that filters all the water in your tank at least four times each hour.
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Each species of fish has an optimum temperature range to maintain health. Most fish require a temperature of about 74 to 77 degrees F. For aquariums over 40 gallons, it is a good idea to get two smaller heaters and put one at each end of the aquarium, rather than one larger heater. This provides better distribution of heat throughout the aquarium.
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The liquid crystal stick-on thermometers are inexpensive, easy to read, and generally accurate enough for general use.
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This is the material that lines the bottom of the aquarium. Generally, a small, smooth, dark-colored gravel is preferable. Get one pound of gravel for each gallon of water. Rinse the gravel before placing it into the aquarium.
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Choose a medium-sized, good quality net. Handle length should be proportionate to the size of your aquarium, so that you don't have to stick your hand into the water when catching fish in a large aquarium.
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